On May 10th, 2019 volunteers from 3M Corporation came out to the Big Bend Habitat Restoration Project (Fig. 1) to participate in a Planting Day. The Big Bend Habitat Restoration Project is a collaborative river restoration and recreation enhancement project in the City of West Jordan, UT. The Planting Day consisted of sixteen volunteers assisting Utah Conservation Corps (UCC) members in the planting of nine different native species amounting to over 420 plants planted along a 500' irrigation ditch in the northwest corner of the Project. This is considered a successful event for both parties involved. The volunteers enjoyed a beautiful sunny day on the project site and were able to successfully plant all of the acquired native vegetation after a safety meeting, project overview discussion and demonstration of planting a plant.
The 3M Planting Day now connects a section of over 100 previously planted native trees and shrubs along a graded bank on the west side of the Jordan River. The newly planted vegetation is considered to be a success as we have restored native habitat for native wildlife, specifically Neotropical migratory songbirds and other important Utah wildlife such as a family of Red Fox currently living onsite. The new vegetation will also act as a natural barrier from a powerline easement and the Jordan River Trail, allowing for individuals to enjoy a natural habitat and forest which was previously an area of grasses with a heavy presence of invasive and noxious weeds.
We greatly appreciate funding for restoration projects and having volunteers spend their time with us helping improve habitat for native wildlife and others to recreate. We look forward to future work, as this project’s scope is years from completion and has many areas fitted for hosting successful projects.